
All ecolabels matching 'seafood'

Alphabetical index of 6 ecolabels.

Aquaculture Stewardship Council logo

Aquaculture Stewardship Council

The Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) offers standards for aquaculture and for the seafood chain of custody.

The standards are being developed by the Aquaculture Dialogues in compliance with the guidelines for standard setting established by the International Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labeling Alliance (ISEAL).

The certification according to these standards …

Best Aquaculture Practices logo

Best Aquaculture Practices

The Best Aquaculture Practices Certified (BAP Certified) mark on retail packaging tells consumers that seafood came from BAP certified aquaculture facilities.

The Best Aquaculture Practices standards, developed by the Global Aquaculture Alliance, form the basis for BAP certification. The standards specifically protect biodiversity and worker rights within a program that addresses environmental, …

Marine Stewardship Council logo

Marine Stewardship Council

The MSC fisheries standard has 3 overarching principles that every fishery must prove that it meets:

Principle 1: Sustainable fish stocks The fishing activity must be at a level which is sustainable for the fish population. Any certified fishery must operate so that fishing can continue indefinitely and is not overexploiting the resources.

Principle 2: Minimising environmental impact Fishing …

Ocean Wise logo

Ocean Wise

Ocean Wise works directly with restaurants and markets, ensuring that they have the most current scientific information regarding seafood and helping them make ocean-friendly buying decisions. The Ocean Wise symbol appears on menus, display cases, and products making it easier for consumers to make environmentally friendly seafood choices.

SeaChoice logo


SeaChoice is a program of Sustainable Seafood Canada that produces sustainable seafood advisory lists. The program is designed to raise consumer awareness about the importance of buying seafood from sustainable sources.

They publish consumer guides for responsible seafood purchasing. SeaChoice evaluates fisheries based on habitat/ecosystem impacts, stock status, inherent vulnerability, …

Seafood Safe logo

Seafood Safe

The Seafood Safe label is given to seafood companies, retailers or restaurants whose seafood contains safe consumption levels of mercury and PCBs. Businesses interested will undergo a confidential pre-assessment, which will include the development of a customized testing regime based upon the intricacies of their particular products.

Once the pre-assessment is complete and if the business …


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